Editors’ Review
Overactive sponsor pop-ups are the only mark against this simple freeware document-encryption tool. Signature995’s very plain multitabbed, dialog-size interface takes only a few moments to learn. A small amount of extra instruction is easily accessed through a locally stored HTML page.
Signature995’s tabbed interface starts on Encryption, which includes the common browse tool to find the file to encrypt. Enter a password twice and click a button to encrypt the document. The app handles PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT, UDPF, and ZIP files. Encrypted files can be decrypted only with this utility. The Decryption tab is almost identical, but only requires entering the password once.
The app includes additional functions to sign, SecureSign, Co-Sign, and Verify documents. All use the same Windows browse function to find files. Each is implemented with a simple button push. The process is quick and painless. The signed files are placed in the same folder as the originals.
Registering Signature995 removes the many pop-up Internet Explorer windows the app displays when opened. As freeware, casual users should be able to forgive the intrusive ads, but heavy users will probably soon tire of the frequent pop-ups.